
Above Java

Sunday 14 November 2010

fenomenologi kamera (saya) 1.5 ver

terinsiprasi tweetnya mba Titi Sjuman - subhanallah cantik bgt - bilang "analog never lie". langsung inget deh sama bau body besinya si Ica, panggilan untuk yashica yang biasa saya pakai. terus baunya film roll yang enak-enak-pusing. aduh, udah lama banget ga ngajak dia melihat-lihat.

lets continue..eghm..

untuk apa ya dslr punya image stabilizer, padahal hidup itu ga bisa distabilkan secara otomatis praktis.
untuk apa ya ada noise reduction, padahal hidup itu emang penuh distorsi, gangguan, dan hal-hal lainnya yang emang kita ga suka, tapi harus kita hadapi.

yah, ini hanya menurut saya

Tuesday 9 November 2010

melakukan berdoa

a good friend of mine wrote something like this, "don't just pray, do something!"
i know he said it from the deepest bottom of his heart. a result of experiencing the real thing. the real chaos. real ashes through his nose and mouth. he felt quite upset maybe when he said that. upset with the condition, the reality.

while i'm doing what..
the first thought that reached the top of my head after i read what he said was, "praying is doing something". it sounded like defending something. it was a defense mechanism of me. then the defense got stronger, "yes, i am doing something by praying". i just hoped that all the prayers could be some kind of "bola semangat" like Songoku's, and save the world. at least save Jogja. at that time, i really did nothing except praying. tears were falling, so i kept praying.

even i did something a couple of days ago, an action, not only praying, it seems it won't help much. i still want to go there and do something, just like my good friend said.

praying and doing is one entity.